finding your focus {Part 1}

This year I spent my New Year’s Eve celebrating at home, laid up on our living room couch, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and generally feeling like crud, fun right?

So instead of partying like a rockstar this year, I celebrated with a glass of wine in one hand, chocolate truffles in the other, and my laptop in my lap.  I decided to take advantage of a quiet evening on home to begin preparing and organizing for my 2012.

Part of my mental cleanse involved dusting off some old friends. My high school and college journals. They are my reminder of how far I’ve come since petty teenage drama (which, might i add, is WAY funnier to read through after a glass of wine or two), but they also serve as my reminder that much of me has remained the same over the years.

It was gloriously relaxing to watch that familiar ball drop, surrounded by my past, relaxing in the present, and planning for my future. I felt incredibly focused going into this new year.

Which is precisely what I want us to talk about this week: FOCUS.

During {Part 2} on Thursday I’ll be teaching a mini photography lesson breaking down the technical workings of the focus on your camera.

For today, we’re throwing all technical mumbo jumbo to the wind and focusing on something way more important, YOU.  Take a quiet moment this week to reminiscence about the past. Go grab all those old journals you have sitting in a box somewhere and laugh at how silly your teenage self was. Then take some time to think about how you’d like your future to look this year. Did you set any resolutions or write any goals? Did you choose one little word to be your mantra this year? I want you to go express those sentiments in a photo and  then I want you to post them for the world to see.

Together, we’re going to FOCUS on allowing you to become the best YOU yet this year.

Are you in?