your camera is not a handicap

A friend, we’ll call her PhotoMom, and I had water cooler conversation the other day that I thought warranted sharing with you all. It went a little something like this:

PhotoMom: Beryl, I am absolutely loving reading your blog posts and I am super interested in the new Radiate class you have coming up this summer.
Me: Oh wow, I am flattered.  I do hope you will register. I know how much you love taking pictures, how much you do each day for your kids, and I know what a busy mom you are. I think you’d really the enjoy time to focus on photography for YOU for a change..
PhotoMom: Yeah, it all sounds great, but I can’t sign up – I don’t have a nice dslr camera. All I have is the dinky little camera on my Blackberry.
Me: Oh my, please don’t let that hold you back! You totally can take this class, you’re actually who this class was MADE for. Radiate is designed to fit your life, your camera, and your needs.

Our conversation left me thinking a lot about my own photography journey. About my role as a teacher. And about you. So my question today is this:

Are you allowing yourself to become handicapped by your camera?

Are you worried that it isn’t good enough? That it’s not powerful enough? That you don’t posses the ‘right’ equipment to capture the beautiful images you envision in your mind’s eye? Or that you might lack gear needed to perfectly recreate the photos you pin on Pinterest? Or the inspirational ones you see on blogs and websites.

If you are feeling even one of the above then join the club.

*raises hand*

Guilty as charged.

Over the last 2 years I have become so immersed in learning, growing, and developing as a professional so much so that I’m now paralyzed when it comes to capturing snapshots. I know I’ve missed milestone moments during the first year of my daughters life because my ‘fancy camera’ was tucked in my office and not in my hands, or because the lighting was all wrong, or because there was clutter all over the house. I didn’t want to share images that were less than perfect. I was worried that if I shared imperfect images people would think less of me and I’d be left feeling inadequate as a photographer and as a person. Ah the life of a perfectionist.

But I’m going to let you in on a little secret.

I created the Radiate e-course because of this tug I was feeling to stop aiming for perfection and instead embrace life and all its messiness instead. To stop taking pictures for others and start reconnecting with me and my initial infatuation with the art of  photography.  It’s power to calm, to heal, and to inspire.

Radiate ISN’T going to be about the perfect portrait. It isn’t going to be about the technical aspects of camera settings. dials. and tack sharp images. And it isn’t going to be about taking pictures for the sake of others.

Radiate IS all about photographing for YOU. It’s about making time let the heart and soul of who you truly are flourish. And it’s about creating images that make you smile.

If all you have is a cell phone – we’re going to make magic with it. If you’re rocking a point and shoot – we’re going to make is shine.  And if your dslr is what you love – we’re going to put that bad boy to the test.

The images I share during Radiate will come from a variety of cameras, lens, and sources but they are all pictures I’ve taken to dig deep and re-discover my inner glow.  Images that exemplify the light that guides me to who I am and what makes me unique and special. Photos that made me happy.

Please, please don’t let your camera handicap you from this experience. I asked last night on the Facebook page for your thoughts on the 1) the camera(s) you own, and 2) the camera(s) you use the most.

A lot of you are loving your dslr’s and that is GREAT!

I have a Canon 60D, Rebel T3. 🙂 Just got the 60D, but it’s what I’ll be using most. My Droid camera is just terrible.

I have a Nikon D5000, Kodak digital that I keep in my purse, Samsung Galaxy Tablet, Blackberry among others! I use the Nikon dslr the most.

Canon Rebel, iPhone and Kodak Easyshare. My Rebel gets the most use.

A few of you of you commented on the sheer amount of planning that carrying your ‘big’ dslr camera takes:

I have an Eos rebel xs and I have started using my iPod touch for on the go/out and about shooting. But if i am planning on taking photos I use the rebel

Tend to take big camera for major outing and stick with phone for day to day things.

A lot of you are quite enjoying your phones as cameras!

My Blackberry is my most used camera

Definitely use my iPhone the most. 🙂

Probably have to say I use my phone the most but only because it is always with me.

And then there were some of you who were ashamed by your equipment:

haha, I’m embarrassed to answer this. But I use my iPhone the most these days.

I use my phone camera the most. Sad ain’t it?!

I don’t want ANY of you to see your equipment as inadequate, because I find photography, no matter the camera, to be an enormous window to our true selves.

More and more I seem to be loving my iPhone as my primary camera and I am so thrilled that creating Radiate has been breaking me from my handicapped ways. My iPhone is the camera that is always with me. It’s quick. It’s reliable. And it’s allow me to re-claim the snapshots I am longing for.

It’s the camera that is making me smile.

It’s the camera that is changing my life.

And if you allow me to guide you through 8 weeks of Radiate, using the camera you love most, I know it might just change yours too.

I’m offering a sneak peek of Radiate if you’re ready to get started. Have you gotten your ‘Shades of Me’ lesson yet? Enter your email to snag it here, and please share your thoughts, results, or simply say ‘hi’ by hitting me up over email I’d love to hear how your camera is working for you! xo.