Making Time

Every day we are all presented with the same 24 hours to do with as we please.

24 hours to relish in, savor, and make the most out of. 24 hours to work our tails off. 24 hours to play tea party or superheros with our kiddos. 24 hours to Facebook, Tweet. Pin, and YouTube. 24 hours to sleep, eat drink and be merry. 24 hours to dote on ourselves.

How you choose to allocate those 24 hours is completely up to you.

Choosing to waste those 24 hours is easy.

An evening in couch potato land, pinning my dream home decor inspirations – Yes Please!

Choosing to make the most of those 24 hours is the challenge.

An energized evening nature walk watching the sunset and capturing your little one adding to her growing rock collection – Maybe tomorrow.

This dance with time is an internal battle and struggle I have with myself daily – making the most of my time and stretching it as far as I can go while still maintaining a balance of rest and relaxation too.

Sometimes you just NEED to spend an evening in couch potato techno zone out land. That’s totally ok.

But begin to do that every evening, and what are you missing out on?

I get asked a lot how I am able to do all I do. Mama. Wife. Full-time job. Photographer. Blogger. Teacher. Runner. Daughter. Friend.

Contrary to popular belief I do sleep. (I am really REALLY cranky if I don’t have sleep – even with a million cups of coffee – no sleep = evil Beryl).  I always manage to squeeze in at least 7 hours a night.

So what’s my secret?

Making a schedule, being held accountable, and always allowing time in that schedule to focus solely on ME! That ME time is key.

A lot of you have emailed this week asking, “Will I have time to take part in the Radiate E-course this summer?” or you’ve flat out out told me “I just DON’T have time.”

Unfortunately I don’t have the answer for if you’ll have time. If I had magical time fairies who could sprinkle special glitter dust down on you all and give you a few more hours in a day I surely would! But, it’s up to you to make time for the things that are a priority to you. 

What I will offer during Radiate is:

  • The opportunity to take back your ME time and make you the priority.
  • Photography assignments and journal prompts that can be easily scheduled into your weekly routine.
  • The support and accountability of myself and a network of other students.
  • A variety of editing tips and techniques that will ultimately save you time once you learn them!

If time is your only limiting factor in leaping into the summer class let me assure you I will be supporting you 199%, every step of the way. Start your journey right now by making YOU a priority, getting the 8-week Radiate journey written (in pen!) on your calendar, registering right here right now, and celebrating the fact that you’ve just taken a giant step in making the most of your 24 hours.