The key ingredient to taking photos WITH your kids and how to have fun in the process too!

These past 2 weeks Brielle and I have been knocking our bucket list outta the park!

After my post about mommy guilt last week I really wanted to take a bit of a break from everything else but my little girl.

Sometimes the best thing we can do to soothe our own soul, is focus on how to make someone else’s a bit brighter. (click here to tweet this now!)

With this in mind, I was inspired to focus in on what my little girl would enjoy most during these fleeting summer days with me home all day long.  So we…

  • Went on a fro-yo treat date at Pinkberry.
  • Rode the carousel and and said “hello” to the goats, pigs, chickens and rabbits at the county fair.
  • Picked peaches at the local farm.
  • Had an impromptu dance party during one of our marathon long commutes home.

But I think one of my favorite things we FINALLY checked off the list was baking in the kitchen together for the first time and making one of my favorite childhood treats.  Rice Krispie Treats that is!

We settled in to do this activity on one of those unexpected afternoons where the daily nap caused a devil child to wake up in the place of the sweet little girl who drifted off to dreamland in the same spot only 2 hours earlier. We needed a distraction on this particular afternoon, and fast!

I gathered up all our cooking supplies and decided now was the time to make some sweet marshmallow-y snap, crackle, and pop type of magic.  I must admit, when I decided to go balls to the wall and get the camera out too I thought I might be going nuts. A cranky toddler and I in the kitchen AND photos of the two of us together with no extra hands on deck to pitch in surely would be a recipe for disaster, right?

To find out how our bucket list adventure turned out just click below and tune in to this week’s episode of Point. Click. Love.

In this video I’ll also share two of my key ingredients for how you can cook up some awesome photos WITH your kids and have fun doing it too.

When you’re done watching, it’s time for you to take action! In the comments below tell which of these ingredients you’ll use with your kids and exactly how you plan to make it happen.

Have you been in photos with your kiddos lately? If not, what’s been holding you back from being in pictures with them?  What activities do you and your child LOVE to do together and which ones might you be able to photograph using the tips you saw today?

As an aside, I must thank you all for such wonderful feedback two weeks ago on the very first Point. Click. Love. episode. All of your kindness and support in the comments, your shares on Facebook and Twitter, and your feedback in email make my heart smile so big! I absolutely have the best community of momtographers ever and I hope you’ll continue to spread the love, tell me what your thinking, and help this space blossom into a thriving place for mamas to be inspired to love their camera and use it as a vehicle to live happier lives and capture the moments they never want to forget.

P.S. Our community hit a milestone this week — 1,000 fans on Facebook!!!! ***insert happy dance here*** A giveaway to say, “Thank You” will be coming to Facebook next week. In the meantime, I’d love to see our community keep growing and growing and growing! If you like what you see here, please keep on ‘recommending’, keeping on ‘pinning’, and keep on ‘sharing’ in whatever way you know how. Oh! And, if you have a question you’d like to ask for an upcoming Point. Click. Love episode, just click HERE and send it to me right now, I’d love to hear from you!