
Isn’t it an absolute bummer when your kids are doing something too totally cute for words, you reach for the camera, you snap away, and then discover after the moment is lost that the images you took were way too dark.

**insert head nod here**

What’s even worse is you have no idea why you kid ended up in shadows and you have no way to fix it for next time!

**vigorous head nod**

To top it all off, you’ve probably invested hundreds of dollars on your expensive camera that at times takes photos no better than your point and shoot or iPhone could do.

**head shake**

What gives?

In today’s episode of Point. Click. Love. I’m going to demystify one of the more advanced technical concepts that will help exposure your photos properly every single time you click.

It’s a tip that absolutely changed the way I take photos in an AWESOME way.

This video is interactive, so grab these items before you watch and get ready to take some photos of your own:

1) Your camera.

2) A window or bright light source. (think shooting into the sunshine – so you as the photographer would be looking into the sunlight)

3) A doll, stuff animal, or other inanimate object for today’s session.

When you’ve finished watching I want to hear all about your results in the comments below. Did you know about metering modes before today’s lesson? Did you achieve successful results? Would you like to link to some of your photos in the comments and share them with our community? What questions are still lingering after today’s lesson? Leave me some love and let me know how these metering settings will help you in your photo taking adventures going forward. I can’t wait to hear how today’s video has helped you – because I know this lesson helped me when I first heard about it!

And…if you liked today’s video, won’t you please spread it by clicking the simple Social Share buttons below? I’d be ever so grateful if you’d spread this video across Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Email or wherever else you hang out online. This lesson might be just the trick your friends and family are looking for to take their snapshots to a higher level. xo.