Photo TLC | Tiny Tweaks, Big Impact!

This week I’m taking some time off and enjoying a VACATION with my family at the happiest place on Earth, Disney World!!! We have not taken a true family vacation in over 2 years, and I have vowed to unplug, unwind, and stay away from work during this time away.

Lucky for you, the magic of technology allowed me to schedule this post for you all before I left (so you wouldn’t have to miss me too much…) and I’m super excited to be sharing another TLC photo critique video with you today.

Take note: I was running around like a crazy person trying to get ready for the trip so I got a bit lazy with this one. You’ll get to see me at work from the comfort of my laptop, with a hoodie on, all snuggled up in my bed.

Don’t pay any attention to that though, reader Megan submitted the most ADORABLE photo and she asks some awesome questions.

We cover everything in this episode from how to get natural expressions from kids, to making photos pop, to one tiny technical tweak that will give you that professional ‘background blur’ that every mom is looking for.

After watching keep on scrolling because I’ve got a question for you to answer in the comments.

Now that you’ve seen the episode I want you to tell me in the comments one thing you plan to try with your photos in the coming week. Was there a tiny tweak you heard today that your excited to use? Do you have any other suggestions moms might want to try for achieving natural expressions, photos that pop, or that professional blurry background?

Leave me some comments to come home to and tell me what you learned or what you love.  And if you liked what you saw in today’s episode, don’t forget to take it one step further and please share this post on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or anyway else you know how.