Guest Post ∣ How Motherhood is Like a Video Game (and the secret codes to crack it)

I’m THRILLED to have Megan Flatt back today to share an article with you that hits really close to home for us mamas (it had me cracking up and nodding my head the entire time!) If you struggle with ‘mommy guilt’ and the ability to make time for YOU, then read on. Be sure to keep on reading to the end of the post where we’ll be inviting you onto a FREE teleconference with both of us next Monday to seek out our memory making mama bliss.


I have never really been into video games.  (although, I have a 5 year old son, so they are probably on my parenting horizon).

My sister and I did have a Nintendo growing up.  And I think we had all of 3 games; Tetris, Duck Hunt and Super Mario Brothers.  Tetris was hands down my favorite, but we did spend a fare amount of time trying to ‘win’ Super Mario Brothers.  The basic concept was to complete all the challenges on a level, which would move you to the next level and ultimately you would get to rescue the princess.

Fast forward to becoming a mom and coming to the realization that as much as I LOVE being a mom, it is still important to me to be my own person.

My kids are the most important thing in my life, but they are not the only import thing in my life. 

I consider my two kids my greatest accomplishment, but I know I have more to accomplish as well.  I have been on a quest to find my passion, my Mama Groove, and I realize that finding my groove is a lot like rescuing that princess- my Mama Groove Princess.

Discovering who you are as a person after having kids is like a big video game with many levels to conquer.

Just when you complete one level, another one with a bigger, scarier, dragon pops up. 

But just like the video game, you have to take your self-discovery quest one toadstool and magic coin at a time.

My Mama Groove quest has consisted of 4 levels.

Level 1:  The Lost Land Of Who-the-Heck-Am-I

Once I emerged from my sleep-deprived, spit-up covered stupor, I had to redefine who I was again.  I had to figuring out what fulfills me now and how I want to define myself after kids.

Level 2:  The Evil Lair of Queen Mommy Guilt:  

Becoming willing to invest in myself.  I had to overcome that internal voice that tells me its selfish to spend time or money on my own health, happiness and personal development.

Level 3:  The Bottomless Pit Of the Time Sucking Day:

They say we all have the same 24 hours, but I swear there is some strange daily time warp moms get caught in.  Between childcare, house care and everything-else care, I needed super skills to find time to take a shower, much less take care of my own fulfillment.  (This is the level my Tetris skills came in handy!)

Level 4:  The Secret Sector of the Unknown 

Once I decided what was important to me, I realized I needed to learn the skills to actually do it!  Acquiring the skills to pursue your passion often stumps moms so much, we give up on the whole game before we finish.  Don’t!  Let me tell you this is the easiest level to complete, you just have to know where to find the key to unlock the secret hidden doors. (I’ll give you a hint, you’re reading this article on a hidden door right now.)

Want the secret codes?

I’ve been playing this Mama Groove game for a while and I have learned quite a few of the tricks and secret passageways to rescue that princess. And along the way I have met a few other Mamas who have shared their best secrets with me as well.

I am thrilled to joining one such Mama, our own Beryl Young, on a FREE call Monday April 8th at 9pm EST to share our secrets on how we are conquering our own game’s levels.  On the call you’ll unlock the 4 Factors needed for Memory Making Mama Bliss and find that princess (you!) just waiting to be rescued.

We will combine personal stories, our struggles and successes, as well as share our best tips for helping YOU conquer the levels of your own Mama Groove game.

Not to worry if you can’t make it to the call live, it’ll be recorded and sent your way once it’s done too.

Plus…special bonuses await those of you who join us.  Sign up below to unlock your access now.


megan-headshot1-300x265Megan Flatt is a Mama Strategist and a wellness expert.  She helps moms find their groove, claim time to do it, and find energy to support their own ‘Mama Revival’.  She is the creator of Nap It Out, a time management and productivity e-course for busy moms and the forthcoming Find Your Mama Groove, helping moms get out of their rut, and into their groove.