Monday Momtographer ∣ Miranda

Last summer, I had the amazing opportunity to hit the road with my in person Momtographie class. My travels took me to Lexington, KY where I taught 10 lovely women how to get out of AUTO mode for good. Miranda was one of them and I’m excited to share her post-class progress with you all today!

Family Pic


Miranda O’Banion


Canon Rebel T3 / 18-55mm, 75-300mm, 50mm


Tell us a bit about your kids and their personalities

Alivia (9)…She’s the typical oldest child:  loves to boss the others around and play “mother hen”.  She’s extremely smart and very compassionate.  Loves all things girly and doesn’t mind to model for the camera!

Lukas (7)…He’s my rough & tumble only boy.  He’s very loving and protective of his younger sisters (not so much of his older one, lol).  He is sometimes stubborn to a fault, but I’m praying that it will serve him well in the future!

Layla (3)…She’s my little spit-fire.  The one that comes without a filter, so you never can be too sure what she might say.  She keeps things interesting.  And she melts my heart with her “your the best mommy ever I’ve seen in the whole world!”

Sydney (19 months)…The rotten little baby.  She may like to mock everything that her older siblings do and say, but don’t let that fool you!  She already has the loudest personality of all my kids…in fact, I see a little of each of them in her:  Alivia’s bossiness, Luke’s determination, & Layla’s unpredictability.  I may have my hands full with this one!


Tell us why you love being a mom

I love that I get to pour into these little lives and watch them transform.  I love that the more I try to teach them…the more I end up learning.

Tell us what sparked your love of photography

I’ve always loved art in many different forms, but the ability to capture a moment in time in a crisp, clear image that can invoke memories & emotions is just amazing to me…even more so since I’ve become a mother.


Tell us your biggest frustration before taking Momtographie

I felt like I was at the mercy of my camera, because I didn’t know how to control it.  I didn’t know what aspects contributed to focus or brightness, so I would often have photos that were too dark or too light or out of focus.

Bad Lighting

What ah-ha moments did you have during the class? What were you able to put to use right away?

My “ah-ha moment” was realizing the power that adjusting your ISO gives you.  I tried to play around in all the different modes, but quickly found that I liked the control of Manual mode, and I haven’t turned the dial back since.

Do you have a favorite photo you’ve taken? Why is it your favorite?

The one picture that I am always drawn back to is of my daughter, Layla.  I had a vest that my husband was supposed to wear for his mother’s wedding hanging on the door knob of our coat closet.  Layla decided to “try it on”.  I loved the way the light from the window was shining on her face.  I love her facial expression.  It’s definitely not the “best” picture I’ve taken, but I love to look at it.


Although the opportunity to travel with my class last summer was incredible, I’m even more thrilled that my teaching journey has led me to developing Momtographie into a 6-week online experience.  Registration is currently open for the May 5th Momtographie Online session! CLICK HERE now for all the details or to get yourself registered.