Stepping into success ∣ BlogLovin’ Tour

The Declaration of You is an incredible book being published this summer, giving readers the permission they’ve craved to step passionately into their lives, discover how they and their gifts are unique, and uncover what they are meant to do! The is a topic that’s now near and dear to my heart because it speaks so strongly to the journey I’ve been on this past year myself! This post is part of The Declaration of You’s BlogLovin’ Tour, which I’m thrilled to participate in alongside over 100 other creative bloggers. Learn more — and join us! — by clicking here


I had written off this trip much like I had written off so many other desires in my life.

The ‘World Domination Summit (WDS)’ was not for a part-time blogger and business owner like me. I certainly didn’t feel like a ‘world dominator’…YET.

Truth was there was always an excuse for not achieving the success I was wishing for.

I’ll never fit into my wedding dress again, this 32 year old body can’t possibly get that small anymore.

I can’t live a life eating fresh produce all the time, it’s waaaay too expensive and too complicated to cook healthy meals.

I’ll never be able to achieve my dream of working from my local coffee shop, the cost of living here is too high and I could never make enough working for myself to support my family.

I can’t go on this ‘business’ trip, tickets sell out in an hour and there’s no way I’ll be at my desk and available when they go on sale. Plus, I can’t really justify a trip for this part-time passion business anyway.

Then came that day back in October when unknowing to me tickets for WDS went on sale. And the email hit my inbox. And I was actually sitting at my desk. And on a whim, without running it by my husband, I clicked the ‘buy now’ button.

In an instant I had booked myself a trip to the ‘World Domination Summit’ in Portland Oregon for July.

And in that same instant my mindset shifted.

The excuses stopped.

And success after success came my way because I started creating it myself.

  • I started writing my signature online class.
  • I decided it was time quit my day job.
  • I got an invitation to write for The Huffington Post.
  • I had my most enriching teaching experience to date.
  • I had a bit more free time to plan better meals.
  • I started buying more fresh produce.
  • And began the journey of fitting into my wedding dress once again.

Maybe success isn’t something that just happens to us, but is something we must define and then work to cultivate and step into ourselves.

Right now, I am living out another dream. Sitting in that coffee shop writing this blog post to you. The thing I never thought I’d do has become my reality.

By the time you read it I will be home from WDS ready to dominate the world.

And I have a feeling this is only the beginning.

What’s the one thing in your life right now that feels out of reach? The place where you never believe you’ll actually find success? Tell me about it today in the comments. Because you never know, saying it out loud might just start you down a path you never thought possible. xo.

Update: Here’s a post WDS round up Megan and I created just for you! What an inspirational weekend we had, and we love to tell you a bit about it.