What’s your shade?

The best part of being a teacher for me has always been seeing how your ‘students’ go out and interpret the results of a particular assignment.

And the best part of the ‘Shades of Me’ mini class I taught a few weeks ago (Now available as a FREE chapter of my new e-book Radiate!) was how many DIFFERENT interpretations could be made. From the richness and variety of colors chosen, to the number of photos taken and shared, to the editing techniques (I taught about creating selective color and making color palettes), to the subjects used, getting the results sent in from everyone one and looking through them was truly a treat.


The Shades of Me mini class was a bit of a sneak peek into my full 12 week Radiate Online Class. A 3 month experience of using your camera as self-care while learning simple, practical, fun, and easy editing techniques along the way. Every student in Radiate will receive: weekly photo lessons, invitations to webinars demonstrating our weekly editing lesson, a 3-month free subscription to PicMonkey (I’m super excited about that one!), lifetime access to the class materials, and other bonuses along the way.

It’s also not too late to purchase my new e-book, Radiate, if you want to hop on board. You can do that HERE.

This week I’m sharing quite a few of the Shades of Me results with you so you can see what variety there was in the outcomes. You’ll find as you scroll through these images that we have all the colors of the rainbow. These images surely brightened up my day and I hope they bring a smile to your face today too!

PicMonkey Collage

Georgina found many shades of red during our week together and look beautiful pieced together in this collage.

PicMonkey Collage 2

Brenda sent me this awesome before and after. I love what she was able to create using selective coloring following our Shades of Me webinar.


Here’s another great use of elective color. Lorraine chose to make these two areas POP in this fun photo of her daughter!

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Yellow always cheers Margarita up and is why she choose it as her shade. I love the way she was able to isolate all the gold puffs that are sprinkled throughout this image.


Adrienne captured the beautiful yellows and blues of a sun about to set for the day.

Rainy blues collage

This family image walking in the rain was inspired by Gaby’s shade of blue for the Shades of Me mini class. All the blues  look even more incredible paired with the vibrant greens and yellows in this image.

grass + pool

The combination of colors and textures in Mariola’s image give it a fresh and funky feel.

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Teresa did an awesome job combining everything she learned during Shades of Me into this amazing collage.


I adore the contrast in this image submitted by Kali. Her shades of blue and purple POP against the silver and gray of the rock and necklace.


Katherine had fun pulling all the shades of purple out of this beautiful photo.


Claire took her week as an opportunity to see the world from a unique and different perspective.

Thanks again to the over 750 of you who joined me for Shades of Me. I had so much fun with you all. Don’t forget to download the first chapter of my e-book for FREE!