The Sticky Note Strategy | Megan Flatt

Today I’m taking a little bit of a break and breather from the blog to gear up for Radiate class, which begins this week! I’ll also be spending quality with my family celebrating and remembering our first baby Bella Rose who was born and lost 4 years ago today. Not to worry though, I’m  super excited to welcome back Megan Flatt to this space to share her wisdom and expertise with you in my absence. She’s got some GREAT advice for getting your long to-do lists under control (something I’m in desperate need of). Enjoy her tips and leave some love in the comments if they help you in any way!

September is the New January.

The kids are back in school, the lazy (or crazy) days of summer give way to a bit more routine, a bit more of a schedule.

It is the perfect time for moms to usher their little ones out the door and start to think about the next big thing in their own lives.

And let me tell you…that big thing isn’t laundry.

You deserve to have more in your life than “just a mom.”

Kids can be our most amazing accomplishment, but they don’t have to be our only accomplishment.

But where do we start?

Most of us are so busy with our day-to-day tasks that we often don’t have time for a shower…much less something bigger.

I think it all starts with what we put on our to-do list.

So often, we only use our to-do lists to remind us of the menial tasks we need to do.  Yes, “buy toilet paper” is important, but what about putting YOU on your to-do list?


Start with a Brain Dump

Get all your to-dos, want to dos and big ideas out on paper.  Gather up those scraps of paper from the bottom of your purse and the plans to take over the world written on a napkin from your last girls’ night.

Get all you ideas into one place.  These can be your tasks like “change burned out light bulb” or big goals like “Write my dream novel.”

Wait! Don’t Get Overwhelmed!

That is a big list you just created, right?

I love a big master list, but the problem with only keeping one big to-do lists is we still have trouble getting anything done, because we are not sure where to start. With so many tasks to choose from, you start to feel overwhelmed, like there is no way you’ll get everything on your list done.

Eventually you are so frazzled you sit down on the couch and put on a DVR’d episode of Vampire Diaries (that’s not just me, right?)

Crazy long to-do list are almost as bad as no to-do list at all, either way you actually end up spending more time dabbling then actually getting things done.

Enter My Secret Weapon…The Sticky Note

I recently surveyed a group of moms about what are the components of a great day, almost everyone replied, “feeling productive.”

So, what is my best productivity secret?

When it comes to your daily to do list, only commit to doing as many task as will fit on a Sticky Note – between three and five things.  Make sure these are the big-ticket items, the most important things you need to get done on any given day.

And make sure at least one of them is just for you, something that moves you towards YOUR goals and dreams.

Having them all in one central spot, like a sticky note, will help you focus on getting them done.

So…You need both!

I keep a big master list of everything I have to do, separated by project or area of my life. I also break projects down into their individual tasks and assign a time to each task so I have a better idea of exactly what will fit onto my sticky note, depending on how much time I have.

Then each day, I choose my top tasks for the next day and put that ‘big idea’ task in the first spot.  I spend the day knowing exactly what I need to work on and knowing that I am moving in a direction I want to go.

Amp Your Accomplishment Factor

An added benefit of the Sticky Note Strategy is the sense of accomplishment it allows you to feel.  Accomplishing these things on your sticky note makes you feel empowered and successful.  Not only do you get things done, but you build momentum too.

Momentum from your smaller projects helps give you the confidence and know-how to tackle larger projects, go after goals and pursue passions.

When those kiddos walk back through the door after school, they come home to a mom who is happy, healthy and more fulfilled.  And that spills over to the way she cares for her family.

And that is a pretty good resolution for any time of year.

Ready to take the next step to have the time and the energy to be a great mom and do the things that make your heart sing?

MG Post Card-front

You are ready to Find Your Mama Groove.  Join Megan and other busy moms as we craft your Mama Groove Guidebook complete with a personalized road map to discover and accomplish your goal. Plus, you’ll create a weekly systems and checklists to make sure your household runs smoothly while you are getting into the groove.

Click here to register, early bird pricing is available this week only.  Your time is now, come Find Your Mama Groove.

SCP_MFlatt-316 webMegan Flatt is a Mama Strategist and a wellness expert. She helps busy moms rediscover what fulfills them, and then find the time and energy to pursue that passion…without the guilt! She believes as moms, we can give our kids the world, without giving up our own.  She loves vanilla lattes, her iPhone, and books meant for 13-year-old girls. Megan lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her two amazing kids and her awesome husband. You can learn more about her at or join the conversation on Facebook.