Families that photograph together stay together

If you do any sort of regular check in with the mainstream news media, you probably know the Washington DC area has been in the news quite a bit in the last week with a government that has shutdown and is essentially at am impasse with no budget resolution in sight.

I have several friends and neighbors who have been affected and I’ve seen first hand the worry and uncertainty this time produces.

My own husband (who works for a government contractor) hasn’t been to work since last week either.

And although we’re also dealing with our own set of worries and concerns and frustrations, we’ve also recognized that beyond calling our congressmen to complain or searching for a new non government job for him, there’s not much we can do to change what’s happening.

Then, there’s our daughter, who is clueless as to what’s happening out there and is simply ecstatic to have her daddy at home right now.

So why not make the most of it, yes?

When we’re sitting in the midst of fear or uncertainty or emotional shutdown, the number one thing I think we can do for ourselves is to connect.

And my primary mode of connection happens to come the most easily through the lens of a camera.



Brielle is just getting to the age where photography has really started to pique her interest. And it just so happens she received her very first camera for her birthday 2 weeks ago.

So yesterday, with the sun shining and a beautiful fall breeze in the air, we all went outside and took the camera for a spin. On a mission to find pumpkins and leaves (since that’s the hot topic at preschool right now) it gave us a chance to enjoy each others company, play out in nature, and snap some memories.

It’s one thing to watch your own confidence grow and benefit you from behind the lens.

But when photography can help strengthen the bonds of your entire family, well that’s just even better!




Want to know more about how you can make deeper and more meaningful connections with your family through photography too?

Perhaps you’re getting some unexpected and extended family time like we are (thanks government) and want to make the most of it, or maybe you’d like to get the whole family involved in documenting your weekend adventures together.

Either way, I’d love invite you to take a break and join me on a free webinar as I reveal exactly how I’m using the camera as a tool to bring our whole family closer and make us more connected.


On this webinar you’ll learn:

  • The one thing I taught my husband about photography that got him excited and interested in taking pictures of our family.
  • Creative and quick ideas to have the whole family documenting and laughing behind the lens.
  • The most important tool you need at home when your want to build family connections through photography (SURPRISE: it’s not the camera).

To register, simply enter you name and email below. That’s it! Oh, and even though the date of the live event has passed, no worries. I’ll send you a recording of it instead!

I’m looking forward to watching this new love for the lens unfold in my daughter over the next several years. Right now everything we’re doing revolves around embracing details and simply having fun. Here’s a peek at Brie’s Snaps. A glimpse of the world through the eyes of our 3 year old.


Are your kiddos budding photographers too? Who is the primary picture taker in your household? Do you get your whole family involved in photography?

Tell me about it in the comments, register for the webinar above, and let’s spend and evening together chatting about how we can truly make photography into a family affair.