Why I’m not doing a photo project this year, and what I’m doing instead


Recently I’ve been feeling the sluggish stuckness of winter settling into my bones.

As the energy and excitement of a new year wears off and the snow begins to fall I can feel myself slipping.

Losing momentum

Desiring stillness

Seeking hibernation

Craving space

This is my cycle each and every year.

I used to fight it, and learned a lot in the process of committing to photography project after photography project and ‘failing’. I tried the project 365. And the project 52. I tried theme shooting. But I found a few weeks in my life didn’t always fit into the constricted box of a project.

This might be the place in this ‘new year’ where your mind starts telling you that you’re behind. That your goals are too hard. Too overwhelming. How could you commit to so much. You’re going to fail. There is no time.

Don’t listen to the voices.

Don’t fight them. Just acknowledge them give them your love.

Where can you find 15 minutes of time today? For you? For your desires. To finish something. To start something. To play. To process. To sort. To write. To organize. To photograph. To plan.

Each little block of time you can commit to will add up and get you where you want to go. It’s not about sticking to a project for an extended time. It’s all about baby steps. And re-committing to you. Over and over and over again.

You’re bigger than that tiny box of photography projects and expectations and goals and resolutions.

Life is more than fitting into a box.

Go bust out of that box.

This year why not make a conscious change?

I didn’t commit to a photography project this year. In fact I really haven’t made any commitments in my life at all this year.

I’m following my heart and my intuition instead.

I can choose to relax,

I can choose to stop aiming for perfection,

I can slow down,

I can be flexible,

I can plug in,

I can listen.

There are days where I stay in PJs all day snuggled on the couch watching movies, and others where I take a 2 mile run on the treadmill.

There are days I take an afternoon nap and others where I organize my office.

There are days I indulge in a pastry an extra latte for breakfast, and others where I eat fruit and veggies all day long.

There are days I snap every photo with my DSLR, some where I choose my iPhone, and others where I don’t snap a photo at all.

There are days I hide behind a computer to write, blog, and journal, and others where I go out with friends for dinner, playdates, or coffee.

I’m crafting and creating the space I desire in the moment which is refreshing and inviting. I’m living outside of the box of a specific goal, expectation, or project. I’m changing it up each day, making up my own rules as I go along, and enjoying the ride.

What project are you craving TODAY? What is out there for you to learn, do, see, feel, experience, practice, experiment, start, complete?

The right way to do this life is your way.

Go make today’s project awesome, whatever that may be.
