The Power Of Possibility

Image-1I taught a local photography class this weekend and brought a sample copy of my new album from my favorite photo book company to share with the students there.

What started as a ‘learn your DSLR camera’ class quickly veered off course into a lively discussion about organization and printing.

How are many photos are here in this book?
How many pages is it?
How do you keep so organized?
How did you do this?
I could NEVER do this!

Little did they know how just 3 months ago my photos were likely in the same state of disarray as theirs currently are!

It was a proud moment for sure of sharing my hard work and helping these moms to realize that YES they too can get their photos printed.

Because for a long while I thought the task of getting my albums completed during my busy hectic schedule was impossible.

Possibility is powerful.

And I truly believe that your dreams, hopes, and goals are possible to achieve no matter how big or small, if you’re willing to do a bit of work to accomplish them.

Possibility is a place where you’re in control of your actions.  It means shifting to a more exciting place and time. It’s about opening yourself to opportunity and previously unclaimed desires.

When you allow possibility into your life you make a commitment to the projects you’ve been placing on the back burner. The ones that will make you happiest when you’re following your heart.

However following your heart can be scary.

The potential when you commit to something new feels exciting and fresh and invigorating but sometimes so much so that you begin doubting if the end goal you desire is actually attainable.

Here’s a secret though: It’s not about the end goal. It’s about doing what’s most fun and will make you the happiest here and now.

The hardest part about possibility is making the space to allow our happiness to become habit.

In Gretchen Rubin’s new book “Better Than Before” she says:

“Once a habit is in place, we can effortlessly do the things we want to do.”

Creating habits to achieve our goals can leave us feeling overwhelmed because of the commitment involved, but you DO have a choice.

Either shrink away or sink deeper into it.

I want to encourage you to sink deeper.

Because when you do commit to possibility, magic begins to unfold.

I know this not only from my experience with this photo book creation, but from my recent journey towards running my first 5k.

And from the BIG dream of building a passion and purpose filled business from the ground up.

When dreams feel impossible we tend to give in to status quo where life feels stale, stagnant, or dull. The effects can cause us believe that we must stay stuck in one place.

No way out or no way forward.

The energy of possibility takes work. You have to believe that the dream you deem possible IS ACTUALLY POSSIBLE.

That it’s already your truth.

That you can and will ‘fake it till you make it’.

Want to bring more possibility into your life?

Here are few quick ideas to try:

  1. Do something creative and a bit out of your comfort zone. Go to a new class. Watch a tutorial on You Tube (and actually try it). Free write in a journal. Paint. Draw. Color.
  2. Reach out to a friend that you haven’t talked to for years.
  3. Push publish on a blog post that feels too vulnerable to share. Even if it’s just photos of your family that you want to share with the grandparents.
  4. Get a tattoo. (a temporary one totally counts…)
  5. Go for that girls night out, or girls weekend away.
  6. Dye your hair with streaks of purple, just because.

I want you to feel the RUSH from doing something new and exciting and just a tad bit scary.

That’s where the realm of possibility is waiting for you. It’s where your fear of failure or disappointment meets your commitment for success and happiness.

Where is possibility taking you today?

Another big dive into possibility for me in taking a bit of a departure from photography in order to host a LIVE, IN PERSON weekend-long retreat experience, all about exploring possibility, purpose and passion in your life. There is only ONE spot left out of 10 total. It’s called the Resonate Retreat and I’d LOVE to share the details with you if you think you might be the lucky final participant. Connect with me via email HERE and let’s see if it’s a good fit.