Recapture Self: A Podcast of Self Discovery

It’s HERE!

I’m going to try to keep this short sweet because…well…I’d rather you listen today than read. Over the course of the past year I’ve become a super fangirl of podcasts. As my work continues to evolve here in this space, I’ve decided to expand into the world of podcasting myself. I want to connect with you all in this fresh and new way, and I can’t wait for you to to follow along with me!


This is going to be an interactive show. One where I’ll entertain you with my wisdom, but I’m also inviting my friends, family, and experts too. My hope is through our stories and wisdom you’ll uncover what it means to come into deeper resonance and acceptance of who you are as a person and where you’re headed next in life.

We’ll set aside the guilt and shame over the parts of yourself you so often want to hide, and instead embrace those traits as an integral part of who you are.

Plus I’ll be encouraging you to share, explore, and become an active part of the ‘Recapture Self’ community.

Before I set you loose to listen below I have a few requests:

  • Pretty please go subscribe HERE in iTunes to get new episodes delivered as they’re ready.
  • If you listen on your phone or devices you can search for ‘Recapture Self’ and subscribe there instead. (I use the Overcast app but the Apple Podcast app also works just fine or I’ve heard good things about Stitcher too for my Android friends)
  • After you listen go leave me a review in iTunes? (next month I’ll be drawing one lucky reviewer to receive little surprise from me…) To leave a review from an Apple device:
    • Launch Apple’s Podcast App.
      Tap the Search tab.
      Enter the ‘Recapture Self’
      Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right.
      Tap the album art for the podcast.
      Tap the Reviews tab.
      Tap Write a Review at the bottom.
      Enter your iTunes password to login.
      Tap the Stars to leave a rating.
      Enter title text and content to leave a review.
      Tap Send. (reviews take up to 24 hours in moderation before they appear in iTunes)
    • You can also review directly from iTunes on your computer too.

And now, without further ado…here it is!!!! 

#1 Freshness: The Tale of 10 Couches

It’s a new year. If picking resolutions and goals stresses you out, then this episode is for you. We’ll explore the idea of allowing your varied interests to take the lead and committing to NOT committing this year. Come and allow ‘freshness’ into your life and let’s see where it takes you instead.

#2 Freshness: Doing This Dishes Is Boring

In today’s episode I’m bringing on guest expert Alissa Marquess from the blog Creative With Kids and fellow ‘freshness’ kindred spirit. We explore what happens when you realize your mind isn’t quite like everyone else’s especially when it wants to race a mile a minute from one project to the next. Alissa’s also got a super simple (yet fun!) homework assignment that will leave us all with a fresh outlook on life.

#3 Desire: What’s In Your Pleasure

This episode brings our first reader inspired topic and beg’s the question, “What’s in your pleasure?” I’m bringing on guest expert Joanna Rothman my own personal life coach, business coach, and queen of desire to explore how to settle on our ideas and actually get acting on them on them. Joanna’s also bringing two processes to the show to assist you in finding your pleasure with ease.

#4 Desire: Who’s In Charge

What can a 5 year old teach us about desire? A lot apparently. This week we ran a bit of a social experiment at our house putting our daughter completely in charge and in control of our activities for the day. The purpose had nothing to do with desire when we began, but it taught me everything about it by the end. I guarantee smiles, laughs, and deep insights when you listen in this week.

#5 Support: Finding Your Truth

The week is all about ‘Truth Telling’. I’m capturing the journey of one of my first coaching clients, Jen Dolittle of Songbird and Bear, and how she went from burnt out mom to passionate blogger and photographer. The truth of who we are and the path to discover it is a journey. One that when we’re willing to accept it can unfold in beautiful magical ways. Jen is a testament to that and her story will leave you inspired to recapture yourself too.

#6 Support: Mama Hen

The week is all about finding support from the people that matter most to you. So I’m interviewing someone that means the most to me…my MOM! Susan Hurwitch is a mother, painter, and mixed media collage artist who is uncovering her true passions and creative purpose in retirement.
On this episode I look to her for sage wisdom and advice about what it’s like to be creative while raising kids, how confidence is the key to going after our creative dreams, and why the age old self-talk of ‘I’ll have more time when….” can hold us back from going after our dreams.

#7 Intuition: Visiting Momo

This week we’re talking Intuition! To a mom, following intuition is no stranger when it comes to the needs of her child. But what about trusting your intuition when it comes to yourself? Kristen Kalp of Brand Camp Blog is my special guest this week and she’s a master at holding space for people as they learn to listen and trust their own inner wisdom.

On this episode we talk about what it means to listen to our intuition, the connection between intuition and confidence, and we’ll visit ‘MoMo’ – Kristen’s spirit guide who will support us all in tapping into our own intuitive journey.


New episodes land every week. Can’t wait to catch you on the next one!