As I gear up to release Momtographie Online back into the world soon, one of my favorite things to do is introduce you to some of the fabulous women I’ve had a chance to work with, and show you how Momtographie has helped them take better photos of the special people in their lives. Enjoy getting to know one of these lovely ladies today!

Tell us a bit about your kids and your family
I’ve been married to my amazing husband for almost 13 years! We met in college at Mary Washington. We have 2 amazing kids. Our daughter is 7. She is an extrovert in every definition of the word. She’s creative, loves art, and wants to be a teacher! Our son is 4. He is all boy who loves to run, build, and be loud. He loves trains, books, and is very snuggly when he wants to be.
Tell us what you love about being a mom
I love getting to lead my kids each day. The look in their eyes when they discover something new or do something for the first time makes the daily frustrations more than worth it!

What sparked your interest in photography?
What was your biggest frustration before Momtographie? And what were your photography fears (if you had any) before signing up for the class?
My biggest frustration was getting my camera to focus on what I wanted to it highlight and getting the light correct. I had no idea I actually knew more than the camera and put way too much trust into the Auto mode. I was afraid of missing those special moments if I used anything other than Auto mode. I didn’t want to miss the blowing out of the 1st birthday candle, first steps, and first book read. I was afraid that if I tried to use Manual I’d spend too much time getting ready and miss the moment I was trying to capture.
Were there any ah ha moments your remember during class? What were you able to put to use right away?
The biggest ah ha moment was learning about the exposure triangle. Realizing I didn’t have to change every button the camera to take an awesome photo was very enlightening for me. I realized I could set 2 of the areas and worry just about changing the 3rd if that’s what I wanted to do. Right away I was able to take the camera off full Auto and move to Aperture Priority mode. I was also immediately able to select where I wanted my focus to be. These 2 things together made an immediate impact on my photos!
What did you learn about yourself from taking Momtographie class?
I learned that I can do new things even when I have no idea about them! Before Momtographie I had no idea what ISO, aperture, and shutter speed were. But I was able to learn about and apply my knowledge quickly and effectively. I also learned that photography is an amazing stress reducer for me. When I’m having a bad day I often pull out the camera and just start shooting what calls to me – my house, kids, flowers. This helps me relax and put the day into perspective.
Do you have a favorite photo you’ve taken since our work together? Tell us about it.
I don’t have 1 favorite photo, but I love the photos I’ve been able to take during the “golden hour” on our beach trips. I’ve taken 3 trips to the beach since taking Momtographie. During each I’ve taken the kids to the beach at sunset and gotten some amazing photos with gorgeous light and sunsets in the background.
Where do you hope your photography journey takes you in 2016? What are you working on now?
I hope to continue learning the creative side of photography this year. I’m always striving to have my photos not look all the same, so this is the focus for the year. Currently I’m involved in both a 365 project and a project 52.
Ready to slide into your Momtographie Journey?
Finally get flawless photos with my free One Ingredient Class – next session starts soon and you get get registered now by popping your email address in the box below.
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