Craving Connection? Teaching Momtography May Be the Answer

Getting behind my camera saved me, but teaching other moms to use their cameras to capture those quick moving moments of their kids lives—and to recapture themselves in the process—changed my life.

Leaving my job gave me more time with my daughter, which I expected, but it also gave me things I didn’t expect. Like more space to think and to hear the little voice in my head that had big dreams. Honestly, i was a little scared of losing myself as a mom, but my business gave me purpose and fulfillment. And it gave me connection, which I crave. Always.

If you’re looking to make some additional income with a schedule you control or you want to get out of a job that just isn’t working for you any more, teaching Momtography may be the answer. And if running your own business isn’t really on your radar, teaching Momtography might still be the answer.

I like to say I’m an accidental business owner. I didn’t set out with a dream of creating Momtography or any of the other classes I created. I didn’t plan to be a creative coach. But here I am.

I got here by moving forward in the way that felt right again and again. What would happen if you did that?

What would happen if you were “just” looking for a chance to be creative or connect with other moms?

What would happen if you joined a supportive community of teachers and got a coach to make trying out a new business a little less scary?

What would happen if you connected to your local community more deeply around something that you love?

I love “what would happen” questions. They open doors. They show curiosity. They present new opportunities.

Teaching Momtography isn’t for everyone, but if you are telling yourself that it’s not for you because “you aren’t really ready to run a business” or “you’ve never taught anything before” or “you don’t know enough,” or whatever that story is that’s holding you back … get curious.

What if you redefine business owner to look like what you want it to look like?

What if you redefine success … and accept that even if you “fail” you’ll learn a lot and find new paths open to you?

What if you say what you really want?

What if …

Here’s what I know: the moms who have joined the Momtography licensure program have come from different backgrounds, different experiences, different whys. They’ve found support. They’ve found connection with the group and to their own desire. And they’ve connected more with their local community.

I’m happy to talk with you about how a Momtography business can make you money, because it can! But I also know that there are a lot of moms who crave other things. That’s what I love about Momtography classes. They’re creative. They’re about relationships. And they fulfill something in you beyond your wallet.

What if trading a bit of your time, energy, talent, and love of photography could make you some extra money, through teaching … and you get the creativity and connection too?

If imparting your knowledge and passion for photography to moms in your city or town gives you a tingle of excitement, join me for a free class on Thursday, March 14.

Sign up here for the free class.

What if you can’t make it? Sign up anyway and I’ll share the recording with you. That connection you crave isn’t so far away.