Licensee: Howie Mac Photo

Momtography™ LIVE is the 4 hour jumpstart DSLR photography class designed with moms in mind. Meet First Name Last Name, your Town, State local instructor!

First Name Last Name goes here H1

town and state go here H4

This is where you about statement goes. This is about 75 words. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lacinia velit quis euismod varius. Quisque tempus ligula a dui dignissim bibendum. Nam ultricies nec elit ut accumsan. Nam sed arcu accumsan lacus bibendum facilisis eget nec risus. Integer lacus mauris, egestas sed purus non, aliquet congue lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tempus massa eu metus vehicula vestibulum. In eu luctus metus.

my why

This is where you can put your why statement. There is no image in this section, unless you have something you’d like to add, so it can be as short or as long as you like.

3 fun facts

Short intro statement if you want one. Images are optional. Fun fact copy is about 75 words. If you have shorter fun facts and want to include images, you could have just one header type image instead, like the one here.

Duis sed lorem vel erat tempus efficitur in a leo. Proin bibendum imperdiet tellus, sed lobortis magna porttitor non. Pellentesque a dictum enim. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ornare sit amet mauris a volutpat. Nullam laoreet molestie ipsum sit amet laoreet. Donec vulputate sit amet elit sit amet ultricies. Praesent metus justo, varius at metus ac, accumsan aliquam augue. Etiam sit amet sem quis purus egestas lobortis ornare nec eros. Proin vel erat vitae mi facilisis malesuada.

Duis sed lorem vel erat tempus efficitur in a leo. Proin bibendum imperdiet tellus, sed lobortis magna porttitor non. Pellentesque a dictum enim. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ornare sit amet mauris a volutpat. Nullam laoreet molestie ipsum sit amet laoreet. Donec vulputate sit amet elit sit amet ultricies. Praesent metus justo, varius at metus ac, accumsan aliquam augue. Etiam sit amet sem quis purus egestas lobortis ornare nec eros. Proin vel erat vitae mi facilisis malesuada.

Duis sed lorem vel erat tempus efficitur in a leo. Proin bibendum imperdiet tellus, sed lobortis magna porttitor non. Pellentesque a dictum enim. Nulla facilisi. Praesent ornare sit amet mauris a volutpat. Nullam laoreet molestie ipsum sit amet laoreet. Donec vulputate sit amet elit sit amet ultricies. Praesent metus justo, varius at metus ac, accumsan aliquam augue. Etiam sit amet sem quis purus egestas lobortis ornare nec eros. Proin vel erat vitae mi facilisis malesuada.

my next class


Designed for the busy parent, grandparent, or family member on the go, this 4 hour jumpstart course will deliver the basics to get that camera out of AUTO mode and working for you in any situation.

During your 4 hour Momtography™ class we’ll cover the following topics:

  • Top 10 Tips for Taking Better Pictures of Kids
  • Basic Photo Composition Rules
  • Introduction to Exposure (why are my pictures from outside so bright and why are there so many shadows on faces?)
  • ISO (why are all my pictures from inside the house so dark and grainy?)
  • Shutter Speed (my baby is on the move and all of my photos are blurry!)
  • Aperture (how can I take pictures when my kitchen is such a mess?!)
  • Camera Settings
  • Basic Lens Overview
  • Backup, Printing, & Processing Overview


  • An afternoon away from the kids with the opportunity to meet and mingle with others who want to learn about their camera, just like you.
  • PDF quick guides of all course materials, notebook and pen so you’ll be able to recall what you’ve been taught long after Momtography™ is over.
  • Snacks and drinks to keep you energized and re-fueled for an afternoon of learning.
  • Access to a private Facebook group after class is over to connect with other Momtography™ students and photo lovers so you’ll be able to keep in touch, share, learn and grow together as you continue practicing what you’ve learned.

Keep in mind: if you’re hoping to learn how to effectively use flash equipment to take take photos at your cousin’s wedding next month, this might not be the class for you.

In 4 hours we only have time to touch on technical basics, and I personally take 99.9% of my own photos without flash. All that extra equipment is bulky, and requires time and patience to set up and use properly which isn’t always the best option when you’re a mom on the go.

Not to worry though, that tips and techniques shared during class will have you taking photos far more crisp, clear, bright, and beautiful than you imagined possible after 4 hours of learning!


Sunday October 22nd, 2017

Class Location

The *new* Momtography™ Studio

Lovettsville, VA 20180


Cost: $199 (price increases to $249 on October 9th) 

Are you ready to take control of your camera and shoot the beautiful pictures you’ve been waiting to capture? Register now by clicking the button below.

Sunday October 22nd, 1pm-5pm




Can’t make my next class? No problem! H4

Just pop your name onto my VIP waitlist below, and you’ll be the first to hear when registration for my next class opens up.