EP 85: Parenting With Curiosity And Creativity In Mind With Dayna Abraham

Three years ago, our daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety.

Surprisingly, my reaction was not one of sadness or fear or worry. My immediate reaction was one of relief.

Our kiddo’s diagnosis brought me relief because it gave me permission to honor and advocate for who she is. Her diagnosis reminded me how lucky I am to mother a child who is so comfortable with her creativity, and it led me to my own ADHD diagnosis not too long after hers.

Here at Momtography we are champions for imagination and creativity, not only for our children, but for us as parents and role models as well.

Today’s return guest, Dayna Abraham, is the founder of Lemon Lime Adventures and creator of the Calm The Chaos Framework where she supports parents out-of-the-box kids going from just surviving to thriving.

I wanted to have Dayna on the show to talk about what happens when we infuse more curiosity and imagination into our parenting, especially when we are feeling the most defeated or disconnected from our kids.

We talked about breaking the stigma around raising out-of-the-box-kiddos so we can stop hiding the qualities in our families that often make us feel fear or shame. 

We chatted about how the more we talk about these truths, the deeper a connection we can make with our communities and with ourselves. 

And we talked about how when we learn to embrace the things that make us and our children different, we are granting ourselves permission to show up in life with more creativity, curiosity, and imagination.

Photography tip:

Every episode, Momtography Club community Director Jen and I sit down together and share a tip you can use to get more comfortable with your camera so you can capture more of what matters in your life. Jen’s unofficial title at Momtography is the Queen of Photo Projects. So with that in mind, this month Jen and I will be sharing photo projects to spark your imagination and inspire you to go capture, develop, and preserve more photos! 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How parents of out of the box kids find joy again in their parenting journey
  • What happens when we use curiosity and imagination in our parenting?
  • How parents who have lost that spark of imagination because they feel so defeated can tap into their imagination again? 
  • What to do if your interests and your child’s interests don’t intersect
