It’s no secret that I’m the world’s worst baker—just ask my husband about the infamous “cakies” I whipped up a few years ago. I’m great at finding mouthwatering and inspiring recipes (hello, Pinterest!), but my real-world results always seem to deserve the description of epic fail.

When it comes to baking, I’m still figuring out how to put my tools and ingredients together. Sometimes, it can be frustrating! I envision warm, moist and delicious cakes, muffins, or cookies to share, only to have my efforts turn out dense, crumbly, and dry.

As a DSLR owner, I’m guessing you can relate.

My own love of photography was discovered a few years prior to my entry into motherhood, but my motivation was always the desire to cook up yummy images for our family. I wanted to learn to take better pictures so that I’d be able to seize those moments that pass us by way too quickly.

So, I did what any good mom would do: I bought an awesome new DSLR camera. I figured that a camera as expensive as my DSLR would be something like the boxed cake mixes that produce amazing results without all of the fuss. I thought simply turning on my new camera, pointing it and clicking would result in crisp, clear, stunning images—just like the pros’.

I thought of all the money I’d save on professional photo sessions with my new “fancy camera,” and I was elated.

I’d snap photo after photo and then realize, to my disappointment, that images I cooked up often weren’t any better than those I snapped with my old camera.

For a long while I decided that “getting out of auto” would add the secret spice I needed to produce images that would get rave reviews, and in part I was right. Understanding the science of how a camera works changed my approach to photography forever. But that was only one ingredient in the overall recipe.

Sure, photography is one part technical knowledge, and two parts light, but, like chefs who guard the secrets of their best recipes, your tediously thorough camera manual won’t tell you that you will also have to add a dash of heart, and heaping cup of soul.

I remember what it was like to feel like I had all of the tools at my fingertips, only to produce photographic recipes that always fell flat of my expectations. I was longing for photos that my family would rave about and savor for years to come, and I wanted to be that mom who was constantly being asked for her recipe for stunning images.

Fortunately my skills behind a camera were much better that those in the kitchen, and after I finally produced the perfect recipe I wanted to share it with you too!

Here’s what’s included with your class registration:

CLASS WEBSITE: This is the place where you’ll gain access to ALL the course content in one location. $50 value

WEEKLY LESSON GUIDES: Highly visual weekly lesson guides will deliver the main course content via PDF download. $150 value

WEEKLY WORKBOOKS: These technique building assignments will keep you practicing and moving forward in your learning, $100 value

VIDEO LESSONS: Short (under 15 min.) video lessons are designed for the busy momtographer to teach the weekly concepts in easily digestible chunks. There will also be on-location videos with fellow momtographers like you that will take you on the scene of a live shoot with their kids as we tackle their struggles head on. $100 value

OFFICE HOURS CALLS: Weekly group ‘office hours’ with me via teleconference will allow you to hear mini-lessons and get any burning questions answered. $200 value

PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP + SECRET CLASS PIN BOARD: These will be your ‘secret hangout’ places to share photos, ideas, and inspiration with other class members. $50 value

BONUSES! Other guides and checklists will be delivered though out the course on topics such as: Natural Light, Lenses, Camera Dials, and Settings. You’ll also receive my coveted ‘Camera Settings Flow Chart’ with my perfect recipe to getting settings right every time. You’ll want to print this one out and take with you wherever you go! $100 value

Bonuses from 3 other contributing bloggers:

Fran Cox, Small Bird Studios
Blogging Guide

Franchesca Cox is an artist, graphic designer, writer, and mama. She is the artist behind the shop, Celebrate Life and author of Celebrating Pregnancy Again. After her world came crashing down around her in 2009, she became passionate about taking life by the reigns and experiencing every moment for what it’s worth.

Megan Flatt,
Course Calendars and Organization

Megan Flatt is a Mama Strategist and a wellness expert. She helps moms find their groove, claim time to do it, and find energy to support their own ‘Mama Revival’. She is the creator of Nap It Out, a time management and productivity e-course for busy moms and the forthcoming Find Your Mama Groove, helping moms get out of their rut, and into their groove.

Shawn Fink, Awesomely Awake
Playful Photos

Shawn Ledington Fink is the author of The Playful Family, the Mama behind the blog Awesomely Awake and is changing the world, one family at a time, by encouraging peaceful and playful lifestyles at home. She leads the e-course The Abundant Mamas Project, inspiring women to slow down and have a deeper appreciation for their roles as mothers.

Registration for Momtographie Online grants you LIFETIME ACCESS to all the course material for easy access to the materials long after the 6-week class experience is over.

Is this the class for me?

Momtographie is designed for both the beginning and intermediate Momtographer alike. It’s for beginners (those of you still in auto mode 100% of the time) to understand the basics and get out of auto mode for good, and it’s for intermediate students to perfect the basics and reach a new level of understanding how their camera works.

If you are a DSLR owner who is frustrated with photos that are blurry, too dark or light, out of focus, or that don’t capture the candid natural looking shots of your kids and family you’re going to love that Momtographie Online will give clear direction and guidance for mastering the technical settings of your camera in a language that a mom can easily grasp and understand.

If you don’t own a DSLR camera, you may find benefit from all of the lessons that weave in using light, creatively capturing images, and very basic technical settings . However, some of the later technical lessons may not be as applicable as we progress in the course.

For a full 6 week lesson breakdown that will help you decided if Momtographie Online is right for you, CLICK HERE.

To see a list of Frequently Asked Questions, CLICK HERE.

The best part about Momtographie Online is that it’s designed to fit into a busy moms life, with lessons that can be done from the comfort of your own home doing the things you already LOVE doing with your family.

I’ll provide compassionate support along the way, sharing expertise and guidance as both a professional photographer and mom who understands the struggles and challenges that come with photographing your most precious investment — your kiddos!

Momtographie focuses on helping you take beautiful photos of your family using just your camera. We won’t be spending time in editing software, or talking about how to use bulky flash equipment. This also won’t be a class where we discuses building a photography business.

Cart closes Friday January 31st, 2014. Class begins Monday February 3rd, 2014

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What other moms are saying…

I wouldn’t be where I am today without Beryl’s class! Learning how to control my camera, evaluate light, and understand the exposure triangle was eye-opening. I use the skills Momtographie taught me daily when I’m capturing moments at home with my own children. And, now as I’ve gone on to become a professional photographer they’ve become the backbone of my work with other families too! ~Joanna

I took my camera out during Momtographie class and used it in manual mode for the first time. I was completely comfortable using manual and – WOW! Instant improvement in my photos using the technical and creative tips I learned in class. ~Jamie

Beryl is absolutely wonderful. She is a great photography educator and really explains things without an assumptions of what the class may know. I came to the class only knowing the Auto feature on my camera and I left feeling so confident about my DSLR. I would highly recommend her to any mom looking to learn more about their camera and photography in general. Beryl is incredibly relatable and I give Momtographie class two thumbs up! ~Neada

See more testimonials by clicking HERE.

As a busy mom, I know how hard it can be to carve out time just for YOU. You’re constantly moving in a million different directions and keeping your little ones occupied and out of trouble. When you do finally have a minute to breathe you’re lucky to even get a hot shower in before it’s time to put your mom hat back on again.

I’ve designed Momtographie Online to fit into your busy life. Stretching out the course materials into small chunks over the span of 6 weeks will allow you ample time to learn, play, and practice with each ingredient before we move on to the next one.

Assignments are guided enough to give you clear direction but open ended enough to to fit seamlessly into your schedule and your life. And, you’ll have a whole community of other moms around you the entire time lifting you up, helping you out, and cheering you on as your photo recipe begins to ‘click’ into place.

Cart closes Friday January 31st, 2014. Class begins Monday February 3rd, 2014

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If you’re ready to start whipping up those delicious photos you’ve been dreaming of, simply click the ‘Add To Cart’ button above to register for the upcoming session of Momtographie Online.

I can’t wait to get cooking with you in February!