3 quick and easy ways to share your photos with your family (and beyond!)

It’s been awhile since I’ve done an update on my 365+1 photo project. But let me reassure you (in case you were on the edge of your seats by chance…) that I’m still going strong. In fact, this past weekend I even took a chunk of time to put together our Q3 photo book. The photo books have been my favorite part of the 365+1 project process.

Brielle is old enough now to appreciate our books for her which makes the creation of them so much more enjoyable.

The other day she ran into my office excitedly proclaiming  “Book! Book!” over and over again until we sat her at my desk and browsed over them with her. We sat there for a good 30 minutes looking over this past year – giggling and chatting away over her childish 2-year old memories.

  • Papa!” She’d squeal and point to the pages as she re-discovered the picture of her sitting up tall and proud in the golf cart after her first ride.
  • “Bug!” She yelled when she found the photo of her examining the grasshoppers in our front yard.

Her joy is my front and center reminder of the importance of not only taking pictures, but finding ways to share them too.

Too often I fall into the busy trap where I hold my photos hostage on my hard drive and don’t print or share them like I should.  Let’s face it. Our lives as mothers are busy. Between taking care of the kids, housework, jobs, errands, cooking, etc. etc. etc. most nights I want to collapse on the couch with my decaf pumpkin spice latte and a cupcake, not take on another project like organizing, editing, and sharing my photos.

Layer on the fact that there are so many options out there when it comes to sharing too which for a busy mom like me can be incredibly overwhelming.

It bad news when I enter that state of overwhelm because I typically freeze up and just don’t take any action at all.

For example….

Last year I really wanted to print and hang some of the photos from Brielle’s 6 month professional photoshoot. But when it came time to decide on the photos to hang, pick out frames, find a wall to hang them on, and decide on the arrangement to hang them in, I froze. It took us 5 months from when we got the pictures to when they actually got on the wall because I was so overwhelmed with the tasks and process involved with getting them up there.

Please tell me this happens to you too….?

It’s a vicious cycle that I set out to break for myself this year with our 365+1 project and today I want to help you break the cycle too. For me I’ve found photo projects have to be quick and easy for them to actually make it to the done pile.

Today I’m bringing you a few of my favorite ideas and inspiration for organizing and sharing your photos with your family (or even with the world!).

Hopefully I can make your next photo project quick, easy, and a lot less overwhelming with one of these three ideas:

Idea #1 – Make a Photo Book: It’s no secret that I LOVE Paper Coterie’s photo books. I am indeed an affiliate for them these days but I can honestly tell you they have made me actually enjoy printing my photos again. They have fresh, modern templates (+ one dedicated to Instagram!) and incredible discounts and deals that make it easy, affordable, and fun to create. Another awesome feature is that they save all of your books once their complete in case you need to re-order for grandma or grandpa later on.



Idea #2 – Cover the Walls:Find an empty wall and get your photos up on it! Keep in mind that your 5×7 prints for albums will look TINY if you slap them up on a wall all alone. you will either want to make a collage of multiple photos or blow up your pictures BIG (on a canvas perhaps?) to truly make an impact in your home.





Idea #3 – Start a Blog: Even though this is still a very much digital way of sharing your photos, If you happen to live far away from family and friends this is a GREAT way to keep them up to date on all that is happening in your world. Since Brielle was born most of her milestones have been blogged here and here. It’s been an awesome visual diary that anyone in our family can access anywhere. If privacy is a concern for you, blogs can always be password protected so only those with the password have access. If you’re curious about blogging check out Blogger, WordPress, or Tumblr– they’re all FREE!

If you’re looking for even MORE inspiration hop on over to the Show and Tell Board on Pinterest I created just for you. 

Your Turn: Do you have any other photo sharing sites, DIY projects, or ideas to share? Please tell me about them in the comments below — I’d love to hear how you get your photos out of the hostage zone and out into the world!