3 Ways A Camera Can Nourish Your Life in 2013


Happy New Year Friends!

This is what 366 days of my daughter Brielle looked like in 2012.

A photo to represent each day of our life, you can count them if you’d like. I was staring at this collage in awe last night that it was actually done. I had done it.

You see, I stopped making New Year’s resolutions a long time ago.  Especially photo related resolutions. Because I had tried a photo-a-day project 3 separate times in the past and ALWAYS failed.

However last year, I was filled with GUILT and that fueled my desire to try again.

Guilt stemmed from this feeling of failure as a momtographer (what’s up with that mommy guilt, eh?? It’s a powerful little beast!)

Guilt that was centered around the fact that snapshots of my Brielle during her first year of life in 2011 were few and far between.

I was determined to do something about it in 2012. So on January 1st, I snapped a photo with my iPhone. The next day another. Then another. I never really intended to attempt a photo project in 2012, but it just kind of took shape.

It was freeing to not feel tied to my DSLR camera, and it was gratifying to have the snapshots I felt I was missing,

Slowly the guilt began to melt away.

I was connecting more with my daughter and my family. And I was creating memories we’re all going to cherish for years to come.

This project wasn’t without it’s challenges, or failures. But the best thing was, since I really wasn’t following much of a plan and my goal was to take more snapshots, it was ok if I missed a day here or there and took two photos one day to make up for the day I missed before.

Looking again at that collage above, I’d say I met my goal. More snapshots. Deeper connections. Lots of love. Lots of memories.

Another funny side effect to this project? I began to miss my DSLR and I’m excited to pick it back up in 2013 in a big way.

If you’re sitting here on the 1st of the year, knowing you want more out of your photos but not sure where to start, here are my Top 3 ideas for embracing your camera and nourishing your life with photography this year:

1) Start a photo project

My 365+1 project began on a whim last year but it was one of the best things for me at the time. If you’re thinking about starting a photo-a-day project I encourage you to check out THIS POST I did earlier in the year with suggestions for how to set yourself up for success. If you want to try a photography project but one photo every day is just too much, a 52 weeks project is a variation that a lot of photo enthusiasts love. My friend Catina is embarking on her own 52 weeks project in 2013 with a focus on completing acts of kindness with her kids. Read more about it HERE and think about joining her if this speaks to you!

2) Get your photos OFF the computer and ON the walls or IN albums

This is a personal goal of mine this year. I find that I use up so much of my spare time on taking the photos and getting them off my camera but then I never do anything with them. Paper Coterie quickly turned into one of my favorite resources for photo books in 2012, and my friend Megan at Bump Life is about to start up her mama productivity e-course called Nap It Out. During her January class I have a personal goal of getting all of my Q4 photos off the computer, organized, and into an album. Come join me and finally check that lingering photo project OFF your list too!

3) Learn a new skill

I am a firm believer in the fact that gaining confidence and control over a camera is the best way for a mama to feel empowered and re-connect with her life. This has been true in my own experience and it’s why I began teaching Momtographie classes in my local community.  Up until now, I’ve only offered this jumpstart technical class in the Washington, DC metro area. But 2013 is the year this is going to change. I’m finally expanding my reach.

Click HERE to take a peek at the upcoming free preview class for Momtographie Online! It starts May 5th, 2014.

I’d love to know what are you hoping to achieve with your camera in 2013? Click to leave a comment below and tell me.

Do you have any photography related goals or desires? Maybe your missing out snapshots like I was?

Did you just recieve this amazing new DSLR for the holidays and you don’t know the first thing about how all of those buttons or settings work?

Have you been practicing your technical skills for awhile but you really want to know how to edit your photos better with a pop of color or a vintage flair?

Whatever your goals are I’d love to hear about them in the comments and be a part of  teaching you how to allow them to nourish your life this year.