2018 is almost here, bringing with it a chance for a fresh start and new energy. Maybe you’re thinking about your one-word intention or considering some new years resolutions to get your year started. Me? I’m thinking about photo projects that inspire me.
I will be the first to admit that I am a little obsessed with photo projects. I always have at least one, if not more, that I’m working on. This doesn’t mean I’m always taking photos though. Quite the opposite – I can go months without doing more than pulling out the phone for a quick snapshot. But those photos, those quick snapshots, may end up being a photo project of their own one day. To me, a photo project is whatever I happen to be paying attention to.
Beautiful things happen when you start paying attention. Looking at life through my lens allows me to slow down, see things a little bit differently, find new appreciation for what’s going on.
Thank about what you would like to photograph this year. It doesn’t matter if you do a photo a day, focus on a season or a photograph a specific theme. Just pick up your camera a little bit more, find the things you want to pay attention to and photograph them.
Need a spark of inspiration to get you started?
Photo Projects to Inspire You
Summer Memories
My Daily Cup
As my photography journey has grow and evolved I’ve become less inspired by the more traditional photography projects: project 365, 52, etc… I reached a point on my journey where projects like that felt forced as opposed to inspired. These days I’m more interested in documenting a slice of my life experience. With that sentiment in mind I was drawn a few years ago to my daily cup of coffee. A ritual I do every day to calm me and prepare me for the day. I started to document ‘My Daily Cup’ – in mugs of coffee, cups of tea, the unexpected smoothie, or bottles of water. After about 28 days I felt complete and like my creativity of capturing the same ritual had been stretched just a bit out of the ordinary into something inspired.
~Beryl Young, Momtography & Teentography Founder
Light Falling On Cedars
Project 365
Holding Hands
Life From Our Table
One of my all time favorite photo projects is my “Life From Our Table” series. It started during a class where we were prompted to take a picture of the same thing every day for 30 days. Frustrated by the mess that lives on my dining room table, I chose to photograph that in the hopes it’d motivate me to keep it clean. Instead I ended up embracing the mess and falling in love with the life we live there.
~Jen Doolittle, Momtography & Teentography Community Director +
Want more photo projects to inspire you?