This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in 2018. What if you had a magic wand to give you more confidence and pull you past anxiety? I’ve lived with anxiety most […]
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This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in 2018. What if you had a magic wand to give you more confidence and pull you past anxiety? I’ve lived with anxiety most […]
This is a re-share of an article that was last published in 2020. Do you feel like everything has gone sideways and you’re struggling to get back on track? You are not alone. 2020 has […]
This post is based on my own personal experience of parenting with mental illness. I am not a medical professional or licensed therapist. Please seek the advice of a professional if you have questions or […]
I know you don’t need one more person to tell you about self-care. Or how important it and list all the different ways to get creative with your self-care. But hear me out. Most days, […]
I never felt like I fit in with the “cool kids” in high school, and I hated how some online communities still feel like cliques where some people fit in, and other’s don’t. When I […]
2020 Update: My mommy guilt looks different these days (hello covid-19 and the ‘new normal’). The things we feel guilty about may change as our children get older, but I want you to remind you […]
If I’m being honest I’d admit I’m tired. Like super duper mentally, physically, unconditionally exhausted from being pulled in a million different directions. If I’m being honest I’d let you know about the guilt that […]
Pulling this one from the archives because I feel we could all use this reminder right now. Being creative and taking care of yourself is SO important. Yes, photography makes you a better mom. This […]
Who do you listen to if you want to succeed? A few years ago, I ran my first half marathon. I have arthritis and for most of my life, I was told that running wasn’t […]
What if I told you that it was possible to start your passion project? Imagine having a fresh start. A clean slate. The chance to rewrite your story. And imagine a better future for yourself […]