This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in June 2017 I’ve been pondering the idea of ‘passion projects’ here at Recapture Self lately. Want to hear my own passion project story? […]
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This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in June 2017 I’ve been pondering the idea of ‘passion projects’ here at Recapture Self lately. Want to hear my own passion project story? […]
This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in May 2017 Your days are filled with diapers, snacks, carpool, and supervising homework. How to find your passion project is probably the last […]
This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in 2018. What if you had a magic wand to give you more confidence and pull you past anxiety? I’ve lived with anxiety most […]
This is a re-share of an article that was last published in 2020. Do you feel like everything has gone sideways and you’re struggling to get back on track? You are not alone. 2020 has […]
This is a re-share of an article that was originally published in 2017. Losing a sense of myself and my creativity after becoming a mom wasn’t something that was an instant realization. In fact, I’m […]
This post is based on my own personal experience of parenting with mental illness. I am not a medical professional or licensed therapist. Please seek the advice of a professional if you have questions or […]
Identity. It’s a tricky thing to define, the more hats you put on in life. As a woman, it is so easy to get caught up in the roles you play for others… Wife. Mom. […]
Have you ever noticed the sky the morning after a storm? There are always the most beautiful shades of blue. After every storm I love to go out and just stare. It brings me such […]
As we’re all (cautiously) starting to get out and about more, I have a few fun photos for you to take this spring. Spring has been slow to come this year, but I think it’s […]
By now, I think we all are in agreement 2020 was NOT the year we wanted, and 2021 started out similar. It’s easy to get sucked into that mindset, and you’ve probably heard (or even […]